

I have designed several awareness and advocacy campaigns on different social justice issues which involved the creation of numerous digital products as well as organizing on ground activities.

Social media awareness and advocacy campaign on safeguarding women’s rights in marriage

This campaign was carried out in partnership with Surt Communications and Community World Service and was designed to create awareness, sensitization and advocacy around Muslim Marriage Law through the lens of women’s rights and female empowerment. The campaign has been executed on facebook, instagram, youtube and tiktok and contains a combination of digital products such as podcast episodes, explainer videos, infographics, testimonies and short videos.

Samples of the campaign:

Social media awareness and advocacy campaign on job and education quota for religious minorities.

The purpose of this campaign was to use Maati’s platform and its well-established audience to create awareness among minorities of Pakistan on civic and fundamental rights. The campaign was 5 months long in which different social media activities were carried out. We made explainer videos, infographics, 1 min mini public announcements, testimonials of government officials and activists and community films to engage our audience.

Example of digital stories created within this campaign:

Digital CVE storytelling in Karachi’s Universities 2022

We trained 80 students from Karachi in peacebuilding and digital storytelling and created the “Karachi Storytelling Network for Peace”. The students produced 16 films on interfaith harmony, peacebuilding and tolerance under the Karachi storytelling network with the help and guidance of IRC and Maati tv. For the production of films, the participants were provided with media kits and technical assistance.The students deconstructed the definition of peace and expressed it in their own unique ways in the scripts.

Watch the student films here

Women in Leadership series

This was a mini web series designed to highlight female leaders throughout Pakistan’s history which have either been ignored or their accomplishments have been watered down. The intention was to put forward the narrative that women are capable of important political and leadership roles and our history reflects that despite attempts by religious extremists to downplay the capacity of women in public life.

Watch the series here